Neurosomatic Therapy

590676011Pain can be exhausting.

But not as exhausting as not knowing what to do about it.

Or not as exhausting as having providers bounce you from specialist to specialist without seeing or feeling any real change in your condition.

We’re here to help.

The tension headaches begin in the base of your neck and spread into your eyes.

The shoulder pain right there. Every time you try to bench press, right in the front.

The lower back pain that has you glued to a couch, uncomfortably, because even sitting can hurt sometimes.

We’re here to help you find the results that will free you from these life-controlling conditions.

506835982This isn’t your typical massage.

If you’ve come this far, you’ve probably sensed that what you’ll get at Complete Bodywork differs from what you’d experience at a local spa.

And you’d be right. At Complete Bodywork, we exclusively offer Neurosomatic Therapy.

Here’s the difference…

A traditional massage therapist (even those specializing in deep-tissue massage) generally uses Swedish massage similar techniques for the full body.

This work has tremendous relaxation, stress-relieving, and mood-lifting benefits, but it often fails to address underlying problems, injuries, and concerns.

Introducing Neurosomatic Therapy

Neurosomatic Therapy is a cutting-edge manual therapy that utilizes advanced postural analysis to create customized treatment plans specifically for you.

This custom treatment plan moves beyond the sometimes common symptom management approach, specifically and effectively targeting the sources of your pain and concerns.

Understanding Neurosomatic Therapy

Neurosomatic, simply put, is the internal communication between the different systems, organs, and tissues of the body and our emotions, mind, and posture.

This relationship and communication are vitally important, and posture tremendously influences how well each of these different parts can communicate.

Neurosomatic Therapy effectively corrects postural distortions, restores proper neurological and muscular function, and allows the body to move more efficiently.

These corrected movement patterns and improvements in neurological function can impact the body system-wide.

728177143A structured treatment plan for comprehensive care…

… requires a comprehensive view of the body.

At Complete Bodywork, we begin with you.

Your story.

We want to hear what happened and when it all began and how.

We want the details.

The Assessment

From there, we move into a comprehensive postural assessment. These assessments are vital for accurately understanding what the body is doing.

We’ll find and chart 84 different bony landmarks on your body to create a map of… you! Standing, sitting, and supine (lying down) postures will all be charted in detail.

This initial assessment process gives us the information necessary to create a customized, personalized treatment specifically for you.

This isn’t a catch-all. There’s no default “protocol.” Each session is a custom package created by the information gathered from your story, the symptoms you are experiencing, and the postural assessments we take.

1989265400What does treatment look like?

Mechanics have their favorite tools, but…

They would never use only one tool for every job. We have a similar philosophy at Complete Bodywork.

We use a combination of the most advanced massage and bodywork techniques for your specific needs. We might use deep-tissue therapy, trigger-point therapy, myofascial release, sports massage, and more.

What tool we use will depend on your unique needs. We will address everything from muscles and fascia (connective tissue) to your organs and even soft tissues which can move your cranial bones!

After your initial session, we will review your treatment options and the projected number and frequency of treatments needed to reach your health and wellness goals.

Signature patient-focused treatments are the best way to address the obstacles to your full, speedy recovery.

558956008Your role as a patient…

It is crucial that you think of our work together as a partnership. You aren’t passively receiving care at Complete Bodywork. We need you – and you need you – to be an active team member.

As we go through your treatment, you will be given assignments and recommendations to do at home. These assignments are vital to the effectiveness of your treatments and maintaining the results we will be gaining.

Now is not the time to treat your health like high-school homework. Let’s get this done… together.

During your sessions, verbal feedback is vital. Keep an open line of communication with me about what hurts, what feels tender, what your preferred pressure levels are, and what feels effective. All of this will magnify the effectiveness of our session. Focus on deep belly breaths and relaxing. Stay present. Leave distractions at the door.

The time we work together is for you. Let’s protect that time.

We aren’t here to help you feel fluffy.

Our detailed approach has a purpose!

Let’s discover the source, resolve your pain, and liberate your life.

I’m honored to be a part of that journey with you. Call today for a free consultation: (801) 406-6577.