About Complete Bodywork

It’s time to turn to a solution you haven’t tried.

1226978722It feels like you’re falling apart.

Pain runs your life.

It has become a daily repeated cycle of symptom management.

Over-the-counters barely take the edge off.

You’ve considered surgery but dread the long, drawn-out post-op healing.

Getting bounced between providers has taken everything out of you.

What’s next?

Pain isn’t the problem.

But it tells us there IS a problem, which is why it’s so important.

I believe our bodies have an intelligence of their own. We can learn so much from them if we only take the time to listen.

Unfortunately, we rarely do. Between the chaotic noisiness of life and endless to-dos and appointments, most of us don’t. If you’re like me, you burn the candle at both ends, staying up late and getting up early, day after day, until exhaustion.

That is a habit worth breaking… and so is ignoring what your body is trying to tell you.

Our bodies aren’t trying to ruin our lives by getting sick or being in pain.

250425448Our pain can be a teacher.

It’s like a friend who warns us when we shouldn’t do something. Unfortunately, as we often do despite our friend’s good advice, we do it anyway.

“Isn’t it normal to get migraines?”

“I think I’m used to the constant pain.”

“What can I do about it anyway: painkillers… sleep??”

If we listen to our bodies and our pain…

We can often prevent major health complications.

But if we ignore the little warning lights, we eventually get system failures.

Basic tasks become impossible to perform without pain. Our energy levels tank, and we’re taking a week or two (or three!) off work because we’re mentally, emotionally, and physically bottomed out.

How do we prevent this? We look at the whole system, and we listen.

7w2a5719How it all gets started…

Neurosomatic Therapy can target the sources of your pain through a full-spectrum approach.

Our evidence-based approach utilizes techniques from various modalities, including Posturology, Neuromuscular Therapy, Corrective Exercise, and Myofascial Release. Using techniques fromultipleus modalities, we have built a “toolbox,” delivering results with powerful effectiveness.

We will focus on finding the source of your pain and concerns and resolving them. Our approach isn’t to place a band-aid on the problem. It is to eliminate its source.

What happens during a session?

A similar setting, a different approach…

As one might expect, we’ll have a massage table for you to lay on during treatment.

We maintain all professional standards of draping during your treatment to ensure you feel comfortable and modest.

Unlike a standard “relaxation” massage, you will frequently be clothed during the session. We suggest patients bring “sports” clothes (short spandex shorts and a sports bra for women, gym or running shorts with a compression lining for men). This allows us to protect your modesty while utilizing effective positions for treatment techniques and accurate posture assessment.

Another difference is Postural Assessments. During these postural assessments, we will measure and chart imbalances. This gives us essential information about what your body is trying to communicate and, thus, where the sources of your pain could originate. These postural measurements are always done with the patient wearing sports attire.

​About Me

AdminWhy did I become a Massage Therapist?

I’m often asked this. It isn’t something that I decided. It chose me. You’ll hear that a lot from others in the healing professions.

It began when I was young. My mother was in a car accident when I was 13 – rear-ended… and it was terrible.

She went through the standard treatments. Chiropractic care initially helped tremendously, but it plateaued. It wasn’t relieving the debilitating migraines that often had her throwing up.

Mom and I used to sit on the couch and watch “Lost” (back in the days before Roku and all of these crazy subscriptions). One day, she had the wisdom (or desperation) to bribe me into massaging her neck, eventually becoming one of the only things that relieved or prevented those migraines.

Now, at 13, with no formal training, I had little idea what I was doing. But the experience exposed me to the benefit of massage. Eventually, the migraines stopped – or weren’t frequent enough to be a major problem.

7w2a5693I’ve always been interested in medicine, especially natural medicine.

The idea of living solely on pharmaceuticals struck a nerve within me. Not using what naturally existed to bring healing into people’s lives seemed to contradict natural law.

While serving an LDS mission in Japan, one of my companions injured his back during previous military service. We went to something similar to a Japanese chiropractor, which was incredible. The doctor had effortlessly eased his pain, increased his range of motion, and brought my friend (who could hardly walk) back to full function in a single session.

I was so fascinated with that doctor. He even gave me his treatment manual!

Returning home, I knew I wanted to enter healthcare.

I chose massage because I wanted to learn how to work with soft tissue. I’m so grateful I did.

I’ve become an avid learner and never stopped “going to school” after graduation. Every day I dig deeper, searching for more scientifically proven, clinically effective techniques and strategies for assessment and treatment.

I have since advanced my massage career from Massage Therapy to the specialized world of Neurosomatic Therapy, which has been life-changing.

Now, I dedicate myself to helping people discover the root cause of their pain and move through it.

When I’m not in session…

I am a passionate and avid learner. Outside clinical hours, I am researching and digging for new techniques, taking new certifications, and studying anatomy.

Self-growth and healthy living are very important to me. Some of my favorite audiobooks are 12 Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson and Limitless by Jim Kwik. I love exercising, going to the gym, and caring for my mind, body, and soul.

I am married to a wonderful woman and have one son. We love to hike, camp, and play games together (board games and video games).

When I have time, I enjoy playing games on my computer, meditating, studying, or being in nature.

What is your body telling you?

Carrying the burden of pain, limited range of motion, and sleepless nights are exhausting.

Let’s begin the journey of putting those bricks down and liberating your life.

Don’t wait any longer. You’ve delayed long enough.

During our free 20-minute phone consultation, I’ll answer your questions, discuss your pain and health history, and determine if Neurosomatic Therapy is the right course for you.

Schedule your free phone consultation now: (801) 406-6577.