Neck and Back Pain

1719448708That lower back twinge…

We’ve all felt it.

Right… THERE!

Below your lowest rib… just away from your spine.

That sharp, painful jolt is as unforgettable as it is unforgiving.

It feels like you’re locked in a cage.

There aren’t many things as isolating as neck and back pain.

The slightest movements can lock EVERYTHING up… and out.

Sometimes you can’t even find relief when you sleep.

What you wouldn’t give to be able to sleep!

There are over-the-counter fixes…

We’ve all been there: pain, desperation, and suffering.

Two… three… four painkillers later, you wonder why you even bothered taking them.

Sometimes they help; most times, they don’t.

The back pain is still looming, angry, and unheard.

It’s time to listen to your body.

Pain is one of our greatest teachers.

Like a child and a hot stove, our body’s pain response teaches us from a young age what not to do and what to avoid.

So, why do we try to suppress it as adults?

And why do so many providers encourage that?

The Neurosomatic Approach…

Your body is trying to tell you what is wrong. One of the loudest ways it shares this information is through your posture.

PastedBalance in all things…

The Lovett Reactor Relationship states that each movement of the vertebrae has a similar or opposite rotation in corresponding vertebrae.

For example, if your C-1 vertebra rotates to the left, your L5 vertebra will rotate in the same direction.

On the other hand, some vertebrae have opposite rotations. An example of this is seen in the C4-L1 relationship. If C4 is rotated towards the right, L1 will inevitably turn to the left.

This is your body’s way of correcting and compensating for distortions.

The law of facilitation…

This law states that when an impulse has passed through certain neurons, it will tend to take the same course on future occasions.

And each time it takes that path, it will have less resistance. This is largely how habitual postural distortions are created.

Just think of how you (probably) slouch to the right while driving, maybe lounging on the center console. It becomes so reflexive that you’re often unaware you’re doing it!

An intricate approach…

We’ll use our detailed, 84-measurement postural assessments to create a 3D map of exactly what your body is saying.

This information and your story will help you use the Lovett Reactor Relationship to your advantage!

A team built for success…

Together, we will create a personalized treatment plan to address the exact imbalances your body is communicating.

A rotated C1 vertebra?

A tilted pelvis?

It’s not only the curvature of your spine that can cause neck and back pain.

We will address all this and more.

But we’ll need your help!

Effective treatment begins with a good story. We want to know what happened, your feelings, and how it all began.

Then, we’ll do one of the most comprehensive postural assessments in the industry.

And we’ll polish it all off with a customized treatment plan specifically for YOU.

You might have to do some corrective exercises or fight against some of your postural habits (no more leaning on the center console!).

But we’ll do it all together!

Let’s break you out of this prison!

Take the first step toward freedom…

Learn how to listen to what your body is communicating…

Call now and discover what Neurosomatic Therapy can do for you: (801) 406-6577.