Frequently Asked Questions

Where is your office located?

My office is within Timpview Chiropractic, located at this address:

817 N 900 W
Orem, UT 84058

What are your hours?

All my services are by appointment only.

Typically, my hours are 9:00 am to 2:30 pm, Monday – Friday, and 9:00 am to 1:00 pm every other Saturday.

How do I set up an initial appointment?

As a first-time patient, I strongly recommend scheduling a free phone consultation to review your health and wellness goals, discuss any injuries or symptoms, and ensure we will be a good fit to work together.

Or, if you’re ready, you can book your initial session online, and we can discuss these things during your first in-person session.

As a returning patient, the easiest way to book an appointment is right after your in-person treatment or online through our booking platform.

All patients are required to complete intake forms before treatment. If these forms are not filled out before your first scheduled treatment, time from the session will be used so that you can complete the forms.

What is your cancellation policy?

I have a 24-hour, full-fee cancellation policy.

Any missed, rescheduled, or canceled appointments within 24 hours of the appointment’s start time will result in a charge equal to the full fee of the scheduled treatment.

What can I expect during the initial in-person session?

Your first session begins with a consultation, where we will discuss your symptoms and the story behind your injury, pain, and concerns.

From there, we will move into our assessment portion. We request patients bring “sports” clothes (short spandex shorts and a sports bra for women, gym or running shorts with a compression lining for men). This allows us to protect your modesty while utilizing effective positions for treatment techniques.

If you are unable or uncomfortable wearing these clothes, gym shorts and an open-back gown will be provided for you.

At the end of the session, I will recommend the projected number and frequency of treatments, given your specific goals. We’ll also discuss self-care homework assignments that may be beneficial.

What should I expect from follow-up sessions?

Treatments at Complete Bodywork will almost always begin with a charted postural assessment.

We will also review the effects of your previous session: How long did your relief last? Did the pain return? If so, what was your pain level?

As always, each Neurosomatic treatment will be customized to address the immediate needs and concerns you have.

Do you offer any treatment plans?

I do. As with treatment sessions, each treatment program is specifically tailored to meet your needs.

After your initial session, we will review your treatment options and the projected number and frequency of treatments needed to reach your health and wellness goals.

This signature, result-driven program is the best way to stay consistent and overcome the roadblocks preventing your full, speedy recovery.

How long are your sessions?

A Neurosomatic Treatment is scheduled for 60 minutes. However, the actual length of the session may vary by 15 minutes (in either direction) depending upon what we find during the assessment process and as we progress through the treatment.

Sometimes, we can get results more quickly and end the session earlier. In other cases, we may need more time to achieve desirable results. In either case, the session cost remains the same. More often than not, treatment sessions are between 50-60 minutes.

I offer 30-minute sessions for acute or specific concerns that do not require in-depth postural analysis.

Initial intake sessions are 90 minutes.

Do you take insurance?

I am not networked with any insurance providers.

After paying out of pocket for your treatment, I will provide an invoice you can take to your insurance provider for possible reimbursement for any out-of-network benefits.

If you are in an auto collision, your personal injury protection (PIP) may reimburse massage.

Call your insurance provider to determine your PIP coverage and gain pre-approval.

How does your massage treatment differ from traditional massage?

A traditional massage therapist will generally use Swedish Massage and other relaxation-based techniques in a full-body approach. Often this is the case even with deep-tissue or “therapeutic” massage treatments given by therapists who focus more on relaxation work.

While this work has tremendous relaxation, stress-relieving, and mood-lifting benefits, it often fails to address underlying problems, injuries, and concerns. Neither does it consider the whole system.

Neurosomatic Therapy is grounded in advanced postural analysis and the industry’s best massage and bodywork techniques. Each treatment begins with a comprehensive postural assessment and is customized to target the sources of your pain and concerns.

I use a variety of modalities and techniques to achieve the desired results, including posturology, deep tissue therapy, neuromuscular therapy, myofascial release, and sports massage.

How old are your patients?

I work with patients of all ages. I love working with everyone from newborns through adulthood!

From cranial corrections and latching concerns in infants to TMJ, Sciatica, and more with adults, the system-wide effect of Neurosomatic Therapy can be life-changing.

How often should I get a massage?

For chronic and acute problems, I recommend booking an initial session to discuss treatment options after proper assessment. Neurosomatic treatment typically begins with more frequent sessions and can be reduced to a “maintenance” level after resolving concerns.

For maintenance, I recommend about once a month. However, this is highly variable and based upon the individual and how prone someone is to postural distortions.

What is your professional experience?

I am a Licensed Massage Therapist, Certified Personal Trainer, and Certified Body Code Practitioner.

In 2020, I graduated from Healing Mountain Massage School. After graduating and earning licensure, I never stopped my training. I have continuing education in deep tissue, injury, integrated bodywork, and clinical massage.

I am currently taking advanced training and undergoing certification for Neurosomatic Therapy under some of the best bodyworker professionals in the industry at the St. John-Clark Center for Neurosomatic Studies in Clearwater, Florida.

Where are you from?
I was born and grew up in Western New York, near Niagara Falls.
Did you serve a Latter-day Saints (LDS) mission?
I did! I served from 2016 to 2019 in Tokyo, Japan.
Where do you recommend for good Japanese food?
K’s Kitchen on Center Street in Provo has some of the most authentic Donburi Japanese around.